the royal house of elohim
ha melukah bayit elohim
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The Mission of the Royal House of Elohim is the establishment of the Kingdom of YHWH on Earth.
This House oversees the mission of the four Messiahs. Ha-Mashiach (The Messiah), Ha-Navi (The Prophet), Ha-Kohen haGodal (The High Priest), Moreh haTzadik (The Righteous Teacher). The first family of Elohim and eternal members of the Divine Council are known to all religions by many names. Reverence and respect for the family are required of all councils, nations, and countries. Members of the Royal House of Elohim are chosen by YHWH. Servants of this House are selected according to their calling and purpose.

For further explanation of the Mission of the Royal House of Elohim, you will need to download a copy of the NMZ “Malchut Ha-Shamayim” which reveals and explains all aspects of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
The Royal House of Elohim is the House of the Royal Family of Elohim. It is the fulfillment of YHWH’s word to establish the Royal House of His beloved, Melech Dawid before the great and terrible Day of Yom YHWH. (See Melechim Alef (First Kings) 11:38; Melech Dawid (Schmuel Bet (Second Samuel) 7:8-17; Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 9, 11, 32, 40, 60; Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 23:5, 33:17; Ahmos (Amos) 9:11-12).
The Royal House of Elohim is the Divine Council’s official office and residence on Earth for this dispensation. We are not an Embassy or a Palace but the Home and Centre of the family of Elohim on Earth. We are a Sovereign State (to be ratified).
The symbol and picture are an avatar of Mashiach Ben Dawid. It is symbolic of his ministry as Melech and Kohen ha Gadol of Yisra’el. The picture is connected to the Malakim (Angels). He is an Angel manifested in the likeness of human beings born of a woman. He is a Tzadik man who keeps the Torah, the Mitzvot (the Shabbat and Feasts) and the Halakah (the Customs and Traditions of Yisra’el). He also observes the Commandments of the Brit Chadashah and respects the religions and cultures of many peoples. He will be feared among the nations.
The headquarters of the Royal House of Elohim is located at Levili Apia Samoa. The Council chose this humble country because it is the place where the Foundation Stone of the Earth is located at Falelupo Savaii (See Enoch 18:1-2). From here YHWH measured the Earth and placed the gateway into the underworld where all souls are kept for regeneration. It is also the area of underwater refuge in the final judgment of Yom YHWH when time is complete. For this reason, the nation of Samoa holds diplomatic and preferred status in all world functions.
The arm and administration of the Royal Family of Elohim are NOMANSZONE. The ministry of Eliyahu ha-Navi, the beloved friend and servant of YA. The Royal House of Elohim holds in trust the title deed of the Earth in the Name of Elohim. In the authority and power of the Divine Council, we manage and administer the Earth under the Mandate of Malchut ha Shamayim.

Administration Center: Levili Samoa
Days: Day Two to Day Six (Monday to Friday) Hours: 10AM to 4PM
Email: nomanszone777@gmail.com